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Ernest Asiedu, 27 & Maureen Ngari, 24,

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"​I've always wanted to test myself but it's come to a time where the person you are going to be with get tested as well, so you can see what help is out there for you." -Ernest


Ernest and Maureen are a young couple from Essex that have been together for over 7 years. Ernest has always wanted to get their genes tested for Sickle Cell traits but Maureen has always been in two minds about taking that step. Now as they plan to start a family in the future they have taken the steps to get tested. We follow them through journey that could determine their fate. 

Ursula Otieno, 
21, London

"In terms of jobs and education sickle cell has affected me but it’s not something that is going to put me down and it hasn’t put me down per say. I’m doing really well and I've done really well with my life so far and I know I can control it and I'm starting to get a grasp on it."


Ursula Otieno is a 21 year-old student who has been suffering from sickle cell from birth. She talks about her journey suffering from the disease and how it has affected her personal relationships, education and her everyday life.  She is hopeful for a brighter future and is an advocate for Sickle Cell. Ursula wants to make sure that more people hear the underrepresented voices of those who suffer from Sickle Cell.

Amelia Santinho,
20, London

“I found out when I was pregnant with her I was about three months pregnant and they did a test, they took a sample out of the placenta."


Amelia is a young mother of two and a student in London. Her second baby Anayah who will be 2 in January was diagnosed with Sickle Cell before birth. Anayah has been suffering from Sickle Cell crisis since she was 4 months-old. Amelia talks about the affects it has had on her family, and especially Anayah's life.  

Ketya B Bashika,
19, Hayes 

“I had a stroke at the age of 8 so they said that as my Sickle Cell is getting worse you may get another stroke, and if you get another stroke there would be no recovery.”


Ketya had a Bone Marrow transplant at the age of 16 after a tragic battle with Sickle Cell all her life. At the tender age of 8 she suffered from a stroke that left the right-hand side of her body paralysed and soon later suffered from epileptic fits. Now at the age of 19 she is completely cleared from Sickle Cell after having a bone marrow transplant at St Mary’s hospital in Paddington. 

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